CSC GSA Constitution

CSC GSA Constitution

Constitution of the Computer Science Gradate Student Association (

Article I: Name
The name of this organization shall be the Computer Science Graduate Student Association (CSGSA).

Article II. Purpose
The purpose of this association shall be to provide computer science graduate students with a voice in the
University Graduate Student Association, independently, yet cooperatively with the other leading graduate
student organizations within the department, to promote seminars, graduate student orientation events,
and social events for the Computer Science Department.

Article III: Membership
All Masters and PhD students in the Computer Science Department are members of the CSGSA.

Article IV: Officers and Committees
The Council will consist of graduate student volunteers majoring in Computer Science who wish to serve
on a committee.

Section 1: Offices
A. The permanent offices of the CSGSA shall be those of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer,
and University Graduate Student Association Representative.

Section 2: Duties
A. The President shall:
1) Call and preside over CSGSA Council meetings
2) Call CSGSA elections and special elections whenever necessary
3) Represent the CSGSA at University Graduate Student Association meetings or Student
Government Functions
4) Perform those duties imposed on this office by the Student Body constitution and
5) Act as CSGSA representative during faculty meetings

B. The Vice-President shall:
1) Preside over CSGSA council meeting at the request of or in the absence of the President
2) Act as proxy for the President at University or Student Government functions at the President’s
request and
3) Act as alternate CSGSA representative at faculty meetings, in the event the president is unable
to attend
4) Chair the Lab Representatives Committee.
5) Maintain CSGSA website**

C. The Secretary shall:
1) Record and maintain minutes of the CSGSA council meeting and circulate copies of the minutes
to the council members
2) Maintain a roll of council members and call the roll whenever a roll call vote is taken and
3) Prepare and carry out CSGSA correspondence.
4) Maintain CSGSA display board that is in front of Academic programs
5) Chair of any Ad-hoc committee

D. The Treasurer shall:
1) Keep the financial records of the CSGSA and
2) Submit the annual budget, approved by the executive committee, to the CSGSA council and
3) Oversee block grant requests in accordance with the CSGSA Block Grant Policy.
4). Chair of the Social Committee.

E. The UGSA Representative shall:
1) Represent the CSGSA at all Graduate Student Association meetings
2) Serve on CSGSA Committees
3). Serve on the Executive Committee.
4). Substitute in for secretary or treasurer in the event they are absent from a meeting
*Note: If the UGSA Representative position is vacant, then responsibilities of the UGSA Representative fall
solely on the president.

Section 3: Committees
A. Executive Committee: The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice-President,
Secretary, Treasurer, and the Graduate Student Association Representative. The quorum necessary for
this committee to conduct its business is a majority of voting members. The President shall preside over
all committees and have the authority to break any ties.

B. Social Committee: The Social Committee shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary and
Treasurer of CSGSA and other CSC graduate students who wish to participate. The Treasurer is chair of
the Social Committee.

C. Ad hoc committees shall be defined and approved by a simple majority of votes present. Ad hoc
committees shall be disbanded by a simple majority of votes present. The Secretary is chair of the Ad hoc

D. Lab Representatives Committee: Representatives (up to 10 in total) from each lab. (Note: Only one
Committee representative per lab.) The lab will determine their committee representative (does not have
to be the same person each time) per monthly meeting. This will be based on a first-come first-serve basis
by reserving a spot one-week prior to the monthly meeting. Each lab will receive six slots per academic
year. The purpose of the Committee will be to provide insight, ideas, and important issues of the day
directly to the officers in order to facilitate communication and foster growth and involvement by the
CSGSA community through the department. The Vice-President is chair of the Lab Representatives

Article V: Bylaws
Section 1: Elections
A. Annual elections will be held at the end of each spring semester in conjunction with the UGSA
elections within North Carolina State University. These elections shall be announced by the President,
giving a minimum of two weeks notice, and being made public to the entire department. Newly elected
officers shall assume office at the beginning of the fall semester. The summer months shall be used as a
transition period during which, it shall be the duty of the previous and newly elected officials to work
together to enable a smooth transition.

B. It is incumbent on the President of the CSGSA to consult with the Computer Science DGP and other
Department Faculty or Staff to ensure that those running for office or voting in officer elections meet the
requisite academic department qualifications.

C. In the event that the outgoing President of the CSGSA fails to enforce Section 2a-II, resulting in the
election of a non-qualifying officer or officers or in voting of non-qualifying graduate students proven to be
a deciding influence on the electoral process, the election result(s) will be nullified and the authority to call
and preside over a new election in order to re-establish the academic meritocracy of these offices shall
automatically be assumed by the UGSA Representative and the DGP of the Computer Science

D. Debates between opponents may be held at the request of the candidates, with the DGP acting as the

E. The UGSA is prohibited from interfering or influencing the election process within the CSGSA, even if a
member of the UGSA is also a member of CSC department.

Section 2: Officer Eligibility
A. The officers of the CSGSA shall be elected from the current student graduate body.

B. Officer Eligibility:
I. President: GPA: 3.5 with a minimum of 18 completed credit hours
II. Vice President: GPA: 3.5 with a minimum of 18 completed credit hours
III. Treasurer: GPA: 3.5 with a minimum of 9 completed credit hours
IV. Secretary: GPA: 3.5 with a minimum of 9 completed credit hours
V. UGSA-Representative: GPA: 3.5 with a minimum of 18 completed credit hours

C. If a student is a member of another organization within the CSC department, they may not hold the
same position within the CSGSA.

D. No more than two officers may run per lab group, and no more than one officer may run per advisor.
(Note: Committee members do not constitute officer positions)

Section 3: Voting
A. Each member shall have one vote.

B. Any election shall be by a simple majority of votes cast.

C. It shall be the responsibility of the President and UGSA representative to coordinate with the DGP and
the IT department to schedule any and all elections. The first round shall be a call for nominations, which
will last up to 1 (M-F) academic week. Voting shall then commence during the second week, during which
time the polls shall remain open for a period of no more than 72 hours.

D. If no person receives a majority of votes, the two candidates receiving the most votes shall have an
immediate runoff. In the event of a tie, the presiding officer will vote to break the tie.

E. Only students in good standing within the department may vote. Each graduate student shall have
one vote. The presiding officer may not have a vote, unless it is needed to break a tie. Other officers
shall only vote as a graduate student.

Section 4: Officer Replacement
A. Should one of the permanent offices become vacant, the vacancy will be filled by a 2/3 majority of the
full executive committee. All vacancies shall be announced in writing to all members, delivered to their
departmental mailboxes, at least one week prior to the executive committee meeting.

B. Special elections shall be held whenever one of the permanent offices becomes vacant and/or
whenever a temporary office is created. All vacancies shall be announced by the presiding officer at the
first possible meeting. The election shall be at the next regular meeting.

Section 5: Temporary Officers
A. Temporary officers may be created for a specified term and to perform specified duties by a simple
majority of votes present at the meeting. The term specified for such temporary offices shall not extend
past the performed specified duties.

Section 6: Nomination
A. Nominations of candidates in regular or special elections shall come from the floor. To begin the
nominations in regular or special elections, a motion must be made, seconded, and requires a majority

B. For regular elections, nominations are debatable and do not require a second. For special elections,
nominations are debatable and require a second. For regular or special elections, closure of nominations
requires a motion, must be seconded, is not debatable and requires a two-thirds majority.

C. At the end of the nomination stage, all nominees should convene with current officers for a profession,
“meet and greet” session.

D. Under no circumstances may any officer unilaterally appoint another person to any of the major positions
listed in section 2. In the event this occurs, it is grounds for removal. (See Section 7)

Section 7: Removal Officer
A. An officer may resign by submitting a written notification to the Council (and the Director of Graduate
Programs) at the regular meeting prior to the effective date of resignation.

B. An officer may be removed from office by a complete majority (excluding the officer up for removal) of
the votes present at the next meeting after the one at which the motion for removal is introduced. Prior
to making this motion, the meeting must be called with the DGP in order to discuss removing the officer
in question.

Section 8: Meetings
A. Regular meetings shall be held at least once a month during the school year. Meetings shall be open
to all graduate students of North Carolina State University Department of Computer Science and to
guests, but non-council members shall enter discussion only with permission of the presiding officer.
Procedure shall be in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order. The date of the next meeting shall be
announced at each meeting.

B. If meetings have not been called and/or if events have not been publicly announced, any CSC
member may request that the DGP call a special meeting to remove the officer in question.

C. All meetings must be announced to the entire department.

Section 9: Financial:
All events must use the sanctioned CSGSA form in order to request funding for events. (Note: this form
must be signed off by the President or Vice-President before submission).

Section 10: Amendments
A. In order to make amendments to any original writing or intent within Article V, Bylaws, there must be a:
1) 2/3 majority vote amongst current council
2) Signed off by GSA President
3) Signed off by the UGSA President
4) Signed off by the DGP
5) Signed off by the Department Head

B. In order to make an amendment to the constitution (as long as the amendment does not conflict with
Section 10-A), in order to facilitate the evolution of the CSGSA constitution, will require:
1) 2/3 majority vote amongst the current council
2) DGP Approval

C. Amendments to the constitution or to the by-laws shall be presented in writing by member(s) of the
CSGSA and read at a regular meeting. Only after informing each member of the proposed amendments,
shall they be voted upon at the meeting.

D. Any article of this constitution, or part thereof, which is in direct violation of the Student Government
Constitution or its By-Laws shall be null and void and declared unconstitutional by the President of Student

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